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Uncertain COVID Vaccines

Uncertain Efficacy of COVID Vaccines Ride on Inaccurate Statistics

As the world continues to ride this unpredictable roller coaster of COVID-19 from the Alpha station, up the Delta hill, and down the new Omicron drop, vaccination efforts run rampant across nations even as more governments enforce mandates. More concerned individuals are beginning to do their own research, and those already weary are becoming more so, as the promises the vaccines gave us are diminishing over time. Pfizer’s answer of “booster” to every question asked cries for more attention to details.

In the heat of the times, Martin Neil, a Professor at Queen Mary University of London published a study [1] this month looking into the efficiency of current COVID-19 vaccines based off of England’s mortality data.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14176.20483

The in-depth study takes a deep look into COVID-19 and overall mortality in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals to determine inconsistencies in data by numbers. The study, originally posted on ResearchGate comes to the stunning conclusion that unvaccinated individuals are dying of non-COVID reasons at a much higher rate than vaccinated. This is completely opposed to science, as with every new vaccine rollout there would always be a [very] slight increase in mortality amongst vaccinated individuals–when excluding virus-related deaths–simply because every vaccine has some percentage of associated risk. The lag of time between when a person is actually injected and when they are considered vaccinated could be a concerning flag that vaccine caused deaths may be to blame, unless England’s statistics are completely skewed to begin with.

In comparing mortality rates between vaccinated, curiously, in the ‘youngest’ age group the mortality rate is currently around twice as high for those who have received at least one dose of the vaccination compared to those who are unvaccinated, as shown in Figure 3

All-cause mortality rate: vaccinated versus unvaccinated in age group 10-59 (weeks 1-38, 2021)

Whereas the non-Covid mortality rate for unvaccinated should be consistent with historical mortality rates (and if, anything slightly lower than the vaccinated non-Covid mortality rate) it is not only higher than the vaccinated mortality rate, but it is far higher than the historical mortality rate.

Take a look at the study archived on our local server here: Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis- categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination


