Braxford Journal

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Level of DNA Contamination in mRNA COVID Vaccines Exceed FDA & WHO Guidelines By 500x

Yesterday, the University of Canada published a preprint paper investigating levels of DNA contamination in Moderna and Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccines. Twenty-seven mRNA vials across twelve separate manufacturing lots were tested.

All vials from both Moderna and Pfizer were found to have billions to hundreds-of-billions of DNA molecules in tact, ranging from 188 – 509 times the levels advised by the WHO and FDA. Furthermore, Pfizer vials were found to contain Simian Virus 40 (SV40) — a monkey virus that used to be implemented in vaccine vectors but was thought to have discontinued after the Polio vaccine in 1963 due to it’s carcinogenic capabilities in rodents and possibly humans.

In some amplifications of Pfizer vials, the representation of monkey virus DNA outnumbered the spike protein.

Check out the OSF Preprint here:

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